Root Canal Therapy from a General Dentist for a Cracked Tooth

Root Canal Tomball, TX

Cracked teeth are not enjoyable to deal with, and oftentimes, they require a root canal from a general dentist. Thankfully, dental technology has improved over the years, and having a root canal done is not so bad after all. The procedure itself is pretty straightforward and is quite beneficial for a cracked tooth. Continue reading to find out more. 

A quick guide to getting a root canal

Below is an overview of what it is like to undergoroot canal therapy from a general dentist when experiencing a cracked tooth. Having an understanding of this information can be helpful to those who are not sure what to expect.


A general dentist will prepare the oral cavity for the root canal. There are a few important things involved, including numbing the tooth and surrounding area. This step is necessary in order for the procedure to take place as it eliminates pain and ensures comfort. Numbing agents are usually administered via cream or a shot, both of which work well. 

After numbing, a sedative might be administered, which helps to ease nerves. Sedatives may be provided in the form of nitrous oxide or a pill. Then, the cracked tooth itself is prepared. The general dentist usually cleans it and ensures that it is dry for the procedure. 

The procedure

Root canal therapy involves removing the infected or damaged parts of the tooth. Next, the entire tooth is cleaned out with a special dental tool. This part is crucial as it involves the removal of the nerves, which is the main part of the procedure. From there, the dentist will fill the tooth with rubber Gupta, which is a material that seals the tooth off and stops it from having the ability to become further infected. 

A temporary dental crown is required to top the previously cracked tooth. The general dentist will place it after the root canal is finished and then a few weeks later, the permanent one is placed. 


After a root canal is complete, general dentists recommend avoiding hard or sticky foods for a couple of days as this could pull the temporary crown off and irritate the freshly treated tooth. Of course, soft foods and liquids are safe to consume. Over-the-counter pain relievers can be taken to ease swelling and reduce discomfort. Lastly, it is recommended to continue oral hygiene, just gently to ensure that an infection does not form. 

Consult with a general dentist

Any further questions or concerns about root canal therapy should be addressed by a general dentist. The dentist can evaluate a cracked tooth and determine what type of treatment is required. In the event that a root canal is necessary, the patient will be well informed on what to do in order to prepare, as well as how to handle life afterward. Reach out today to find out more or to get scheduled for an appointment with the general dentist. 

Request an appointment here: or call Heather Feray Bohan, DDS, PA at 2818641581 for an appointment in our Tomball office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: Root Canal in Tomball, TX.

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